2-Page Spread Feedback and Final Revisions

 I revised my 2-page spread based on feedback from my peers, and I used those comments to fix the certain details they mentioned to me!


The first comment that was the most common from all my peers was that the split border on the article using the blue clashed with the other green elements on the article page. In order to adjust the color scheme, I changed the blue to a green background with white speckles, shown below.

Another suggestion was to add elements to the spread that will break up all the text and not make the article seem too boring with just words. In order to do so, I added a pull quote on the second page of the spread with a line in my introduction that highlights the main reasons one should follow a plant-based diet and I added one photo to the first page to distribute more pictures into the article and not leave it too saturated with the contents of my article. It was also suggested that I change one of the fonts of the material on the spread, but I decided not to use this edit because I like how professional it looks with the fonts being similar, but not all the same.

Shown below is my final two-page spread.


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