Magazine Design/ Layout Tips


     In order to produce a magazine that will really have an impact on the audience and want them to buy it, there have to be certain elements of the design of the magazine:

  • The cover must really be attention-grabbing and attractive. It does not have to be extremely extravagant, but it must carry out the purpose and role of being the first thing the viewer will see, and therefore, the first thing that will impact whether they will actually read the rest of the magazine or not. 

  • As mentioned in the last blog post, the fonts of text portray different meanings. For example, if a font is used for the title of the magazine and the same font is used but smaller for the other contents on the cover of the magazine it adds cohesiveness and is more visually appealing.

  • Instead of using a page for an article or for a table of contents, use spreads. By using spreads, not only are you able to add more information and designs, but it also helps the flow of the content. When someone opens the magazine and sees two pages next to each other that seem like one, it is easier on the viewer’s eyes to understand and go along with because of the movement of the article.

  • Always use negative and positive space in order to create the perfect balance, and avoid overcrowding or leaving pages too blank to the point where the viewer is no longer interested.

  • Having a color scheme for the parts of the magazine that will be viewed the most, like the cover and table of contents, makes the audience feel more inclined to read the rest of the magazine because the colors enhance the overall appearance.

  • Just like we should focus on producing the cover, we should concentrate on the table of contents, as well. Because this is the first thing the viewer is going to see as they open the magazine, the design will impact them first. By using a unique idea and layout of the contents, the audience is more likely to actually flip through the rest of the magazine.   

  • Use the format of the magazine to show what the purpose of the magazine is. For example, if the magazine is meant to be funny, use a more fun collage layout for the articles in order to show that it is meant to entertain humorously and give the magazine a more whimsical vibe. By simply having different formats of the articles and spreads, the ideas and feelings portrayed in the magazine can change.

  • In the articles, use techniques like pull quotes, when a quote is enlarged from an article, and drop caps, when the initial letter of the first word of the article is enlarged, in order to add visual variation for the reader. When an article is all in the same color and font, it becomes hard for them to want to continue reading the duration of the article.

  • When including photos, always make the most beautiful photos the focus of a part of the magazine. For example, if a place to travel to is featured in an article, use an intriguing and scenic photo of that place as the entire front page and make it the cover photo in order to draw attention to what is in the magazine and why the audience should pick it up to read it.

  • Along the lines of the colors used in the magazine, use contrast to create a design that becomes more interesting and allows for an accent color to be used- it takes away the element of blandness without overpowering the reader.

  • By using an iconic font or color in the issues of the magazines, the audience will have a nostalgic feeling that will uplift the overall design and the reputation of the magazine itself.


     Lifestyle magazines are a whole industry on their own. It is often easy to spot a lifestyle magazine, and that's because of the common design elements used to create them. To begin with, simplicity in the design of the magazine is key- when something is simple, it carries a feeling of formality and elegance compared to when something is overcrowded (it looks cheap and handmade). As shown in this cover above by Bazaar, it is a woman as the cover photo, surrounded by the title and the cover lines, but there is not much of a crowd of images and it is the right balance. 


    When the same font is utilized multiple times throughout lifestyle magazines, it creates a sense to the reader about how the entire magazine will most likely play out. As described in a previous blog post about font psychology, “ Font psychology is using certain fonts in order to display emotions or feelings to the viewers that are reading. Different fonts give off different impacts and alter the understanding of the content itself. Fonts allow for something that is visually appealing, especially in those long boring essays and documents that need to be read. They guide the reader into how they will choose to perceive the text.” Similarly, the colors used in the magazine that are incorporated in the design create the same mentality and idea.


    As shown in the spread from a lifestyle magazine above, the use of the simple color scheme of black and white, with the pop of the pink top the woman in the photo is wearing, creates a sophisticated article. Furthermore, there is a pull quote used in this article in order to emphasize what is being said, and by using a spread, it is apparent to see who the article is about and what is being said in relation to that person.


     The design of a magazine can determine whether or not it sells in the industry, and it helps create a visual representation behind the company producing the magazine and what they want to inform the public about. By using design elements such as the ones talked about above, it is clear that in order to create something that will draw attention, you must be aware of creating balances and designing something that shows what they are going to read about.


“Anatomy of a Magazine Layout.” Yes I'm a Designer, 14 Nov. 2021,

Coster, Otto. “How to Create a Professional Magazine Layout.” Design & Illustration Envato Tuts+, Envato Tuts, 27 Mar. 2019,

Fussell, Grace. “10 Tips for Designing High-Impact Magazines.” Design & Illustration Envato Tuts+, Envato Tuts, 15 June 2020,

How to Make a Magazine: A Step-by-Step Guide to ... - Learn.

Kanti, Andina. “Magazine Design: 9 Incredible Tips You Can Try Now.” MagLoft, 5 May 2021,

Morris, Sam. “5 Pro Tricks to Instantly Improve Your Magazine Layouts.” InDesignSkills, 12 Oct. 2021, 


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