Table of Contents Feedback and Final Revisions

 In this blog, the feedback received from my peers was used in order to improve my table of contents and get different ideas from the mindsets of different people, which helped me to create my final table of contents.





In the peer editing and reviewing, I received many comments on how the organization of the articles and the layout is confusing and disjointed from the pictures, as the entire thing does not have a good flow. In order to fix this, I created a list of the articles in chronological order to have better connections and order (especially since the table of contents is the first thing seen when the magazine is opened, so it sets the “mood” of the rest of the magazine). I chose to keep this edit and use the suggestion because I agree with my peers- it was very disconnected and too random, even though I originally thought that the conventions of the lifestyle genre would match. However, it simply just made the table of contents more scattered and unprofessional. 

Another suggestion that can be common from the peer reviews was the adding of page numbers. I had not realized that while creating the mockups I forgot to add page numbers, so having these reviews pointed out the important details I forgot to add in order to make the magazine and table of contents more accurate. 

The last suggestion I decided to utilize is the placement of the pictures specifically. My photos in the mockup were stock photos of the internet just to see the placement of them, but my peers mentioned how it seems chaotic and not as structured as a table of contents should be. Because of this, I used my original photos and placed two of them on the left page of the two-page spread, and the actual content on the right side. 

I decided to keep all three of these edits after I made them because they make the table of contents more professional and organized. They also create a better flow for the view and do not confuse them. This new table of contents abides more with the list version of the table of contents used in lifestyle magazines, instead of the scattered layout because unfortunately, it was hard to use and direct. 


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