Two-Page Spread: Voice, Language, and Audience

 In order to create a two-page spread article that purposely abides or does not with the lifestyle magazine conventions, other articles from top magazines can be researched and looked at. In this blog, I need to find information that can help me lay out and plan what will be written in my spread.

From the magazine “Hello! Lifestyle”, a two-page article was released talking about the diets of 6 selected celebrities and the effects of each diet/ how it works for them. My focus for my two-page spread is leaning towards writing the article about how to maintain a plant based diet, so analyzing this spread from a lifestyle magazine was the most beneficial for me. The tone of the article is not too technical, but it is not informal, either- it is more informational and academic because it focuses on the key factors of the diets of 6 important figures. It is written in third person, as it mentions names of these people and others who also use these eating habits. 

Because the lifestyle genre is so wide, the articles present can focus on mental well-being, physical well-being, diets, travel, updates on the lives of celebrities, and schedules. 

This article above is from Vogue, and it goes deeper into under eye bags, and how they tie into the ways of living and remaining healthy. I have noticed in both these articles that there aren't many technical terms, especially because the audience is generally people looking for tips or suggestions on lifestyles, but the point of the view differs from article to article- some are personal reviews, while others talk about big figures. Pull quotes do not seem too common in the article spreads of lifestyle magazines, as they have less quotes from researchers or people that create a better backup on the article itself. There are captions on the photos, and there are multiple, in order to explain the context of the photo.

By using the research and references to article spreads, I now have a more guided path into writing my own two-page article, but while in the process of writing, I will continue to find more spreads to view for inspiration. 


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